Educational Programs

*** Education is the heart of it all and the hope for the future. Each year the Demarest Nature Center, working in cooperation with the Demarest Public School system, sponsors programs in the three public schools. ***

DNC Association Environmental Studies Scholarship

The Demarest Nature Center Association is offering a $500 scholarship to assist a graduating senior pursuing a study of, or related to, the environment.

The requirements are:

The applicant must be a high school senior attending Northern Valley Demarest High School or a member of the Demarest Nature Center Association
  • Northern Valley Regional High School in Demarest
  • The Academy of the Holy Angels in Demarest
  • A resident of Closter
  • Haworth or Demarest attending Bergen Counties Academies
  • The child of a current member of the Demarest Nature Center gradating from another high school

The applicant must be accepted and planning to attend an educational institution in the coming school year pursuing environmental studies or a similar program such as

  • One involving habitat conservation
  • Natural resource management
  • Preservation and protection of nature and/or education of the public concerning such subjects

Applications should include

  • The student’s name and complete contact information
  • The name of the high school and guidance counselor contact information
  • A copy of the student’s current high school transcripts
  • A copy of the Letter of Acceptance from the college or university where the applicant will be (or is considering) attending classes for the fall semester
  • A 150 word essay (written by the applicant) discussing the reasons why he or she should receive the Scholarship

Applications should be postmarked no later than May 31, 2024 and mailed to:

C/O Demarest Nature Center Association
PO Box 41
Demarest, NJ 07627



email to: [email protected]

The winner and the winner’s school will be notified by the June 10th.
The Demarest Nature Center Association is a 501(c)(3) not for profit Corporation
DNC News

The Mighty Oak Quercus spp

Mentioning oak trees in a conversation will usually evoke an image of a large, majestic specimen with heavy branches and a majestic crown of leaves. Oaks convey power and strength and ruggedness. The wood from oaks is strong and sturdy.