Become a Member

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Membership Funds Help

  • Maintain and preserve our grounds and trails which are open 365 days a year
  • Maintain and preserve miles of trails and nearly 55 acres of forests, meadows, streams and wetlands
  • Actively manage habitats for native wildlife
  • Offer affordable community programs for people of all ages and interests
  • Provide high quality education programs for schools, scouts, and local families
  • Provide scholarships
  • Record natural happenings, species accounts, and coordinate with area environmental organizations
  • Charter organization for our local Demarest Boy Scout Troop 20
  • Confidence in knowing that your gift supports DNC's mission to inspire future generations of people and institutions to protect the natural world through our endowment fund

Mail Checks to:
Demarest Nature Center
Box 41, Demarest, NJ 07627

The Demarest Nature Center Association is a 501(c)(3) not for profit Corporation

Why Join Our Membership?

Since its incorporation in 1977 the Demarest Nature Center Association has cared for a 55-acre parcel of land bordered by Columbus Road on the west and County Road on the east. The Demarest Nature Center is open to all every day of the year. In addition to protecting woods, vernal ponds, meadows, and a section of the Tenakill Brook, as well as establishing and maintaining walking trails, the center provides educational events for everyone about the beauty of nature and the importance of preserving our amazing forest habitat. Your membership dollars go towards sponsorship of environmental education programs for kindergarten through the fourth grade in the Demarest schools, and a yearly scholarship given to a local high school senior who plans to pursue environment-related studies in college. Your membership also helps support our birdhouse/bird feeder building program, our annual photo contest, Breakfast in the Woods (free to all members), and the Craft Show at Oktoberfest/Fall Festival Event.

The Demarest Nature Center Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, run solely by volunteers and receives no funding from the Borough of Demarest.

Residents of Demarest receive all DNCA mailings as postal patrons. Non-resident members receive DNCA mailings by 1st class mail.

— Come Join Us Today and Be a Member of Demarest Nature Center —